Shoreline Revealed

A key feature of this vision is the acknowledgement of the pre-colonial shoreline. This line organises the site into the Truth and Reconciliation Park (on the shoreline side) and new buildings and urban spaces (on the reclaimed land side).
200 years ago escarpments laced with thickets of She-Oaks and sheltered coves dripping with oysters would have characterised the shoreline. In revealing this shoreline we propose a series of landscape interventions along the route of the old shoreline. Wooded groves, rock outcrops and water features provide places to rest and reflect.
As the principal axis of the Macquarie Point Vision, the shoreline also marks the route of the light rail and main pedestrian/bicycle route through the site. This line also connects the site’s main public buildings, including the new State Library and the proposed Indigenous Cultural and Heritage Centre, and the extension of this axis beyond the site ties together cultural institutions including the TMAG, City Hall, and the Federation Concert Hall.