Housing is the major problem confronting Tasmanians as we launch this vision. It proposes more than 1000 dwellings for the site, accommodating 2000-3000 residents. Dwellings vary in type and style with mixed tenure blocks accommodating private market apartments, key worker housing, community/government housing as well as crisis accommodation.
All housing on site will be world leading sustainable design. Housing will be designed, constructed and will operate carbon neutrally. Solar arrays will generate energy while green rooftops will improve energy efficiency, increase urban biodiversity and limit water run off.
Housing will be constructed of engineered timber, manufactured locally from sustainably managed local plantations, providing the utmost levels of energy efficiency, health and comfort to residents.
Construction methods will benefit our local industry and economy in developing manufacturing capacity, innovative construction technologies and employing Tasmanians.
Housing blocks are 3 to 5 stories high so as not to overshadow adjacent public spaces, and sit comfortably in scale with the existing neighbouring buildings and the natural landforms of the precinct.
Houses will be generous in size, light, warm and healthy, and will feature the highest levels of amenities ever experienced in Tasmania, including bike parking and end-of-trip facilities, secure resident storage, free solar electricity, gyms, pools and health facilities. The design will encourage social connections between residents and accommodate opportunities for local retail and conveniences.
This development will provide significant relief for Tasmania’s current housing crisis and, importantly, set a new benchmark for future developments.