The Premier’s election campaign video promotes all of his government’s social and economic achievements together with his growth forecasts, yet, strangely, his dreamchild does not even rate a mention. On the first day of the campaign he seemed unsurprised by the barrage of media questions on that very subject and came prepared with his promised ‘not a cent more’ regarding the stadium build.

Putting aside (for a moment) my personal opinions on the procurement process, the location of, and the need for a new stadium, there is no doubt Tasmanians are confused, conflicted, and bitterly divided on this political hot potato.

There are even some undeserving candidates so confused as to declare no definite position on the festering controversy that triggered the early election.

History teaches us valuable lessons. Back in 1967 there was similar opposition to a Sandy Bay casino with concern over the fact that a monopoly licence would be awarded to Federal Hotels without any call for a tender. As with the stadium today, many thought the casino and its location were bad ideas.