Media Release
7 July 2024

Describing the Cox plan for the Mac Point stadium as an architectural catastrophe for Hobart and a financial disaster for all Tasmanians, Our Place spokesperson Roland Browne said the new design at 54 metres high is now 10-12 metres or 25% higher than the government’s original highly controversial plan.

“Not only has this all the disastrous failings of the original plan, it’s now far bigger and far worse. The way it will dwarf the Cenotaph and tower over Sullivans Cove is even greater. This is maximum impact.”

“It’s unbelievable: it’s now three storeys higher than the Grand Chancellor (40 metres) and just 6 metres lower than the Tasman Bridge (60 metres).”

“The Premier said his stadium would be no more than 40 metres high and the same height as the Grand Chancellor. That was untrue.”

“If Jeremy Rockliff can’t be trusted on height, how can you trust him with the billions of taxpayer dollars this is going to cost Tasmanians in job cuts and worsening health, housing and education?”

“Talk of timber materials isn’t even lipstick on a pig—it’s lipstick on the greatest white elephant in Tasmania’s history.”

“If Tasmanians were angry before, they will be outraged now”, Mr Browne said. “The community’s fight is only just beginning and, if AFL CEO Andrew Dillon wants to see homeless people chaining themselves to construction machinery on site, with the national publicity that focuses on the AFL, then that’s what is coming.”