In short:

A government-commissioned independent report into Hobart’s proposed new stadium has found the costs of the project have been significantly underestimated and the benefits overestimated.

Economist Nicholas Gruen’s report has warned the project displays “the hallmarks of mismanagement” and will likely cost more than $1 billion — $785 million of that from the Tasmanian government.

What’s next?

The Rockliff government has thanked Dr Gruen “for his work” but will be “moving ahead” with the project. “The Rockliff government has thanked Dr Gruen "for his work" but will be "moving ahead" with the project.” A project that is a financial disaster, founded on many lies and which is, as Nicholas Gruen says, is in the wrong place. #timetolisten

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— Roland Browne ( January 3, 2025 at 11:07 AM