MEDIA STATEMENT – 21 February 2024

Our Place – Hobart responds to Kennett opinion piece

Our Place – Hobart spokesperson Roland Browne has called on the Labor Party to back Jeff Kennett’s call in today’s Melbourne media to abandon the proposed new AFL stadium in Hobart and instead locate the new Tasmanian team out of Launceston’s York Park, with some games played at Bellerive.

In an opinion piece in the Herald Sun Jeff Kennett argued that the process for the stadium was flawed and that the new stadium would be ‘a financial white elephant and millstone around the necks of Tasmanians for decades’ going on to say ‘it is time for the AFL and Tasmania to develop Plan B’.

“The Premier’s bizarre obsession with a new stadium has destroyed his own government,’ said Mr Browne, ‘let’s not let it destroy the state’s finances and our Tassie team with it. Tasmanians are clear what they want: health, housing and education. They’d like a footy team. But not a new stadium at the expense of what they so desperately need in these hard times.”