Our Place can announce the Upper House has failed to stand up to the government and the AFL, and has waved the ugly duckling through to the Planning Commission for assessment as a Project of State Significance. It will cost the community greatly, and is a planning disaster.
Debate on the matter was finalised today and the Order was approved, with 9 Members voting for and 5 voting against.
The Honourable Rosemary Armitage, Member for Launceston
The Honourable Ruth Forrest, Member for Murchison
The Honourable Michael Gaffney, Member for Nelson
The Honourable Robert Valentine, Member for Hobart
The Honourable Megan Webb, Member for Nelson
The Honourable Nicholas Duigan, Member for Windermere
The Honourable Luke Edmunds, Member for Pembroke
The Honourable Dean Harriss, Member for Huon
The Honourable Leonie Hiscutt, Member for Montgomery
The Honourable Jane Howlett, Member for Prosser
The Honourable Sarah Lovell, Member for Rumney
The Honourable Joanne Palmer, Member for Rosevears
The Honourable Tania Rattray, Member for McIntyre
The Honourable Joshua Willie, Member for Elwick
The Honourable Craig Farrell, Member for Derwent
Some key points made by some of the speakers against:
The Honourable Ruth Forrest, Member for Murchison, reminded the Chamber that “The AFL don’t run this state.”
The Honourable Robert Valentine, Member for Hobart, prior to reading the text of the email sent by so many Our Place supporters into the record, noted that “From the hundreds of emails that I’m receiving, I don’t believe that the idea of a stadium on Mac Point per se has social licence.”
The Honourable Megan Webb, Member for Nelson, spoke of the poor process that has preceded today’s vote and the lack of respect shown to stakeholders as a result. She highlighted that the Draft Strategic Plan includes “what is effectively potentially a Tasmanian Aboriginal culturally-informed nature strip.”
A huge thank you to everyone who sent the email to Members. We know we were heard!
We will need your help again soon to make sure we have a say on the Draft Precinct Plan itself and feed into the amended Public Accounts Committee process.
A huge part of what we are doing at Our Place is done by volunteers. But we do need to pay for technical support for our website and Facebook (follow our page by clicking on the icon below) communications.
If you are able to make a donation to help us maintain and build the momentum of the campaign, please click on the button below.